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Research  since 2014 (SNU appointment)


기후변화 적응을 위한 의사결정형 통합 영향평가 플랫폼 기반 구축 및 활용기술 개발 (환경부)

Development of framework for decision support integrated impact assessment platform and application technology for climate change adaptation 

(Ministry of Environment)


지방소멸시대 지역 르네상스와 회복탄력성을 위한 융복합 연구  (한국 사회과학 연구사업 (SSK); 한국연구재단, 교육부)

Convergence research for regional renaissance and resilience in the local extinction era (the Ministry of Education, the National Research Foundation)


도시 열 스트레스 취약공간 생태계 서비스 향상 구조/소재/공법 개발 (환경부)

Development of urban thermal environment management systems (Ministry of Environment)


기후변화 적응정책 선정을 위한 의사결정지원 도구개발 및 실증화 고도화 (환경부)

Development of impact assessment tools for climate change policy evaluations (Ministry of Environment)


2017-2020 (up to 2026)

위성영상과 빅데이터 분석을 이용한 유휴지 재이용 플랫폼 구축 연구 (창의선도 신진연구자사업; 서울대학교)

A research for the establishment of a platform for abandoned land management, using remote sensing and big-data analysis (the Department of Research, Seoul National University)


2017-2020 (up to 2026)

미세먼지의 다차원적 시공간 경제분석 (한국 사회과학 연구사업 (SSK); 한국연구재단, 교육부)

Multi-scale, Spatio-temporal economic analysis of fine dust (the Ministry of Education, the National Research Foundation)



축소도시시대 개발제한구역의 역할 연구- 서울 수도권 지역을 중심으로 (인문사회 신진연구자 사업; 한국연구재단, 교육부)

An analysis of the role of Greenbelt in the context of shrinking cities - Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea (the Ministry of Education, the National Research Foundation)



Sh공사 위례 택지개발지구 조경설계 Master of Landscape Architecture (Sh 공사) 

Master of landscape architecture design - Werye housing development (Seoul Housing Corporation)



골목상권 활성화를 위한 시.공간적 모델 구축 및 가이드라인 조성 (이공계 신진연구자 사업; 한국연구재단, 미래창조부)

Spatiotemporal modelings and guidelines for local retail revitalization (the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the National Research Foundation)



새만금 첨단복합 농업단지 및 수출농업 전진기지 기본구상 (한국 농어촌연구소)

Planning of Saemangum multi-functional agricultural hub for international trade (Rural Research Institute)



기후변화 영향 및 취약성 통합평가 모형요소 기술개발 (환경부)

Development of comprehensive assessment tools measuring the effects and risks of climate change (Ministry of Environment)



강원도 산촌 건강산업 클러스터 및 시범마을 개발을 위한 기초연구(한샘연구재단)

Preliminary research for the development of health-industry clusters 

Design  before 2014


The High Line Section 2, New York, NY, USA (with James Corner Field Operations, LLC) as a project designer



Fresh Kills Park, New York, NY, USA (with JCFO) as project designer



Muscota Marsh Waterfront of Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (with JCFO) as a project designer



Duas Barras Resort Development, Alagoas, Brazil (with JCFO) as a senior designer



South Hudayriat Island Residential Development, Abu Dhabi, UAE (with JCFO) as a senior designer 



The High Line Section 3 Design Study, New York, NY, USA (with JCFO) as a project designer



Air City Masterplan, Incheon, Korea (with JCFO) as project manager



Multi-functional Administrative City Competition, Korea (with JCFO) –Finalist as a project designer



New Stapleton Waterfront Development, New York, NY, USA (with Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC) as a senior Designer



Queens Plaza (Dutch Kills Green), New York, NY, USA (with WRT) as a senior designer



Trinity Lake Park Competition, Dallas, TX, USA (with WRT) – Wining entry as a designer



Rutgers University Campus Avenue Redevelopment, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (with WRT) – Wining entry, as a designer



Christina Crescendo Office Plaza, Wilmington, DE, USA (with WRT) as a designer



Busan Waterfront Resort Development, Busan, Korea (with WRT) as a designer



Isle of Capri Waterfront Condominium Development, Philadelphia, PA, USA (with WRT) as a designer

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